May Meeting – Astronomy Unplugged

You arrive at the dark site and realize you forgot to charge the power tank. Now what? Luckily you attended this month’s meeting!

SAS Member Nick Monkman imparts a bit of newfound wisdom on the virtues and pitfalls of all-manual astronomy.  He’ll discuss how to get oriented under a dark sky using nothing but your knowledge of the celestial sphere and a planisphere.  This talk is geared towards beginners (after all, the presenter is one!) – but Nick is hoping the more experienced members of the club will jump in and answer questions and share their experiences.

March meeting – Astrophotography!

fishtrap_startrailsThis month’s meeting will feature a discussion of basic photography of the night sky – the tools needed and the methods required.  Do you have a DSLR and a tripod? Then you can probably take photos like this one (taken last year at Fishtrap) and that’s just the beginning.

General Meeting Venue Change!

August’s meeting will be at Riverview Retirement Community in the community center building.  (same place as last year). We’ll be discussing telescope collimation as well as other astronomy related topics! Bring your questions!