Category Archives: Uncategorized

December 8th Meeting – Fundamental Cosmology

Shifting from last month’s winter observing topic, please  join us at the SFCC Planetarium for a presentation on Fundamental Cosmology by Erik Aver of Gonzaga University.   Eric is a fun and entertaining presenter.

We typically meet on the first Friday of the month, but the site isn’t available because the college has another presentation on the first.  So we are meeting on 12/8 at 7:30 pm.

This talk will offer a conceptual discussion of some of the discoveries and observations underpinning cosmology, including the expanding universe, dark matter, dark energy, and early universe physics.  What do we know about the universe and how it has evolved over time?  And how did we figure it out?  Time permitting, Eric will try to also include a couple fun demonstrations of astronomy-related science.

Erik Aver, of Gonzaga Univ.

October Meeting – Dr. Guy Worthey on Star Clusters

This month at SFCC we’re lucky to have Professor Guy Worthey talk to us about, in his words:

…a historical overview of the importance of star clusters. Star clusters, both open and globular, have provided a string of forward leaps in the understanding of stars, galaxies, and the universe. Names like Hertzsprung and Russell, Curtis and Shapley, and Trumpler and Baade crop up in our discussion. We end by finding that star cluster research goes on today, in a fascinating variety of astrophysical situations.

August Meeting – The Solar Eclipse

Hello fellow astronomers, the August SAS general meeting program will all be about “Everything you want to know about Solar Eclipses but where afraid to ask”. Mike Reitemeier will talk about
Photographing Eclipses and Mary Singer and Paul Yost will talk about Viewing Partial Eclipses. There will also be a Safety Discussion for Viewing Eclipses and then a Question & Answer Period. Come to the meeting with all you questions and answers – this will be a great informative program.

May Meeting – Astronomy Unplugged

You arrive at the dark site and realize you forgot to charge the power tank. Now what? Luckily you attended this month’s meeting!

SAS Member Nick Monkman imparts a bit of newfound wisdom on the virtues and pitfalls of all-manual astronomy.  He’ll discuss how to get oriented under a dark sky using nothing but your knowledge of the celestial sphere and a planisphere.  This talk is geared towards beginners (after all, the presenter is one!) – but Nick is hoping the more experienced members of the club will jump in and answer questions and share their experiences.